24 Hour Time

24 hour time is the time keeping which is based on the 24-hour clock.

By this convention a day is divided into twenty-four hours, numbered from 0 to 23, starting exactly at midnight and ending a short moment before midnight, indicating the hours passed.

On this site you can find plenty of information related to 24-hour time, 12-hour time and the conversion between these two systems.

Right below you can find our 24 hour clock converter.

24 Hour Clock Converter

Our calculator shows your local time converted to 12-hour time.If you like to change any other time in 24-hour time format explained below, hit the reset button, then insert your hours and minutes as indicated in the input form.

24 Hour Time Format

According to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601 standard, a time in the 24-hour time format is written in the syntax HH:MM, or in the extended syntax HH:MM:SS, H = Hours, M = Minutes and S = Seconds.

Numbers denoting hours less than 10 usually have a leading zero; for minutes smaller than 10 this is a “must”. For example: 07:45, 10:01, 16:50:59.

Frequent conversions include:
A bit further below we show you the 24 hour time conversion method, along with examples.

24 Hour Time Conversion

Supposed your time is HH:MM, observe that the minutes (MM) never change and process the case whose condition is true:
  • If HH = 0, HH changes to 12. add “am” By way of illustration: 00:15 → 12:15 am
  • If HH ≥ 1 and HH ≤ 11, HH remains the same. Add “am”. For instance: 08:45 → 08:45 am
  • If HH = 12, HH remains the same. Add “pm”. For example: 12:05 → 12:05 pm
  • If HH ≥ 13 and HH ≤ 23, subtract 12 from HH. Add “pm”. For illustration: 16:30 → 4:30 pm
Instead of am, to indicate “ante meridiem”, Latin “before midday”, you may write a.m., AM or A.M.

In place of of pm, to denote “post meridiem”, Latin “past midday”, you may use p.m., PM and P.M.

What is the 24 Hour Clock Time Now?

Our 24 hour time clock your local current time:
In the section ahead there are our frequently asked questions answered by our expert.


Is 24 hour time AM or PM?

No, it is the 12-hour clock time convention which has the two periods AM (Ante Meridiem – before midday) and PM (Post Meridiem– after midday.

What’s 12am in 24 hour time?

12:00 a.m. – the start of the day – in 24-hour clock is 00:00.

Is it 24:00 or 00:00?

24:00 and 00:00 mean the same, but the former way of expressing the time emphasizes the end of the day, whereas the latter emphasizes the start of a new day.

Does the time 24:00 exist?

Whether midnight is written as 24:00 or 00:00 is a matter of preference in daily use; you may refer to midnight in both ways. However, 24-hour digital clocks and watches express it as 00:00.

When does a day begin?

A day starts at 00:00 = 12:00 am, that is shortly after midnight.

When does a day end?

A day ends at 23:59:59 = 11:59:59 pm, that is shortly before midnight.

Which is correct 24:00 or 00:00?

Strictly speaking, midnight is 00:00 as displayed by digital 24-hour clocks and watches. If midnight means the end of a day 24:00 can be seen sometimes, though.

How does 24 hour time work?

The 24-hour clock is a way of telling the time in which the day is divided into 24 hours numbered from 0 to 24. Sometimes referred to as as military time, the cock runs from midnight to midnight and does not use a.m. or p.m.

Why do we use 24-hour time?

The advantages of the 24-hour clock system over the 12-hour clock system include fewer confusions between morning and evening without the need to specify specify AM or PM.

Is military time 12 hour or 24 hour?

Military time is told employing a 24-hour clock as 0000 – 2359 hours beginning at 0000 with the start of a new day.

What time is 12 pm in military time?

12:00 p.m. = 1200 hrs. (noon)

Is 11:59 the last minute of the day?

Not 11:59, but 11:59 pm is the last minute of a day (23:59). The next minute is 12:00 am and as such the first minute of the new day (00:00).

What is 12 midnight military time?

Midnight (12:00 a.m.) = 0000 hrs.

What are the dots in time called?

The typographic symbol : is a colon used to separate the minutes from the hours and the seconds from the minutes. Instead of a colon, some countries use a dot or a hyphen as delimiter or separator.

How do you calculate 24-hour time?

If the time is denoted by am just remove “am” to obtain the 24-hour time; change 12 hours to 0. Observe that the hours are usually double digit, so prepend a “0” if necessary. If the time is denoted by pm just add 12 hours to get the 24-hour time, then remove “pm”.

24 Hour Time Chart

24-hour clock12-hour clock
00:0012:00 AM
01:001:00 AM
02:002:00 AM
03:003:00 AM
04:004:00 AM
05:005:00 AM
06:006:00 AM
07:007:00 AM
08:008:00 AM
09:009:00 AM
10:0010:00 AM
11:0011:00 AM
12:0012:00 PM
13:001:00 PM
14:002:00 PM
15:003:00 PM
16:004:00 PM
17:005:00 PM
18:006:00 PM
19:007:00 PM
20:008:00 PM
21:009:00 PM
22:0010:00 PM
23:0011:00 PM

Bottom Line

The 24-hour clock system is the most frequent time notation in the world, employed in a wide range of situations and by many organizations and industries.

In addition to its use where space is limited as it without “am” and “pm”.

It is sometimes also called continental time, railway time and military time, and, among others, has the advantages unambiguity and easier time calculations as I can tell from programming experience.

However, some countries, including, but not limited to, English-speaking ones, use the 12-hour time for general time telling.

A mixture of the two time notations can be come across as well, depending on whether the time is told in speech or writing, as well as on context.

Further Information:
– Article written by Mark, last updated on March 4th, 2024